Brunswick Melee JAB Carbon
Brunswick knows and understands tradition better than any brand in bowling, and it's become a tradition over the last few bowling seasons to release a new Melee Jab.
The Melee Jab Carbon uses a cover new to the line, Activator Xtreme Hook Pearl, most recently found on the Zenith line of balls, to update the line and stay on the cutting edge of shiny ball performance. Brunswick fans turn to this line of balls for performance on medium conditions when a strong but predictable shiny ball is needed, and the Melee Jab Carbon will soon be a favorite for those players.
Factory Finish: 500/1000/1500 Siaair, Crown Factory Compound
A.X.H. Pearl Coverstock
Type: Pearl Reactive Activator Xtreme Hook Pearl
Melee Low RG Core
The new Melee Low RG symmetrical core features a curvilinear design to provide maximum energy retention. The new core shape revs quicker producing maximum performance and drilling versatility.
Core Type : Symmetric
Weight 12lb 13lb 14lb 15lb 16lb RG: 2.597 2.574 2.503 2.487 2.475 Diff: 0.040 0.040 0.051 0.050 0.050 MB: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A