Storm !Q Tour 78/U
Ball Details
If you’re looking for a smooth and predictable reaction, the !Q Tour 78/U may be for you! We’ve been testing new urethane materials and the combination on this bowling ball creates a new reaction different than current urethane options in the bowling industry. The new Controll 78 Urethane is also PBA® compliant.
Factory Finish: 500 Abralon
Controll 78 Solid Urethane Coverstock
Type: Urethane Solid
The !Q Tour 78/U name says it all: a 78 hardness urethane ball! In response to the ever-changing environment, the new Controll 78 Urethane Coverstock is PBA® compliant with the new hardness rule. The 500-grit surface preparation keeps short patterns in check!
C3 Centripetal Control Core
Workable and forgiving, the C3 Centripetal Control Core is a design that revs up quickly, providing a smoother change of direction downlane. This shape is beneficial for players requiring control at the breakpoint. Used only in the !Q Tour series of balls, this core is precisely designed and manufactured using proprietary technology.
Core Type: Symmetric
Weight 12lb 13lb 14lb 15lb 16lb RG: 2.650 2.590 2.540 2.490 2.490 Diff: 0.035 0.045 0.034 0.029 0.035 MB: N/A N/A N/A N/A